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Frank Gallagher T in 2022 was employed at Souderton Area School District and had an annual salary of $191,589 according to public records. This salary was 131 percent higher than the average and 133 percent higher than the median salary in Souderton Area School District.
Souderton Area School District records show Frank Gallagher held two jobs from 2020 to 2023. From 2020 to 2023 Frank Gallagher held job of Chief School Administrator.
In year 2022 Frank Gallagher's salary was 28 percent higher than average Superintendent salary in the state of Pennsylvania. Learn more here.
This is what we were promised "As a leader, I will stand by my word and work to bridge the divide. I commit, here and now, to engage with a small group of you this fall, facilitated by someone outside our community and not from the education industry, to discuss our current state, explore hot topics and key issues, and seek solutions that we can build on and hopefully use to benefit our community and its children." This video shows that is NOT what we got!!
It’s truly disgraceful that a man paid this much to run our school district has nothing of value to report to the community. Maybe he isn’t allowed to speak the truth. The first week of school, and there’s nothing to report? Unacceptable.
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